Частная комната в Hamburg Eilbek - ULML1-1


Cool Apartment, cool room - come on in!

: 16 кв.м., на 3. этаже без лифта. вкл. чай/ кофе кухня общая. ванная частная. 3 остановки до центра "Hauptbahnhof". только 2 остановки до гей-района. Ближайшая остановка общ. транспорта : U Wartenau (U1). Языки, на которых говорит хозяин: Немецкий и Английский. Имеются домаш. животные (собака).

Двуспальная кровать
Двуспальная кровать
Ванная комната
Ванная комната
бесплатный Wi-Fi
бесплатный Wi-Fi
Пользование кухней
Пользование кухней
Микроволновая печь
Микроволновая печь
С домашними животными
С домашними животными
Кофе и чай
Кофе и чай
Стиральная машина
Стиральная машина
Домашние животные допускаются
Домашние животные допускаются
Для некурящих
Для некурящих

Описание объекта владельцем жилья host:
Translated with Google-Translate:

Hello everybody!

Welcome to one of about 16 square meters large room, which is now offered furnished for temporary rent. The fabulous amenities:
  - Bed with pocket mattress (160x200)
  - Bedroom closet
  - Chair and small desk
  - Chest of drawers
  - TV (digital terrestrial connection included)
  - Internet connection (wifi included)
  - A floor lamp
  - Brand new Ikea Feel plant

Your room is still in a quite virginal state after substantial refurbishment of the apartment - further design suggestions I am so very open to set;-). It lies to the garden to the rear with views out towards the north / west. The kitchen and the bathroom (with washing machine) are equipped with every imaginable interior brand new and ready for use.
The apartment is located in a quiet residential street (one-way), yet is located centrally. Altogether, there are four other rooms of the apartment: My office, living room, bedroom and my additional bathroom. We therefore do not come with any contemporaneous Klogängen in the way;-) There is also a spacious entrance hall and a balcony that can be used with. Relaxation options walks on Eilbekkanal or jogging laps around the Alster one. Within 10 minutes you will be up to the Alster. The subway station is within walking distance Wartenau within 5 minutes (three stops to the main station.) Also is the Hamburger Meile with numerous power shopping venues not far.

Oh, I should also say to Gayarea what. St. George with its rather humorous celebration Gaycommunity is about 1900 meters away on foot. I am already so many times after a boozy evening walking home and was always glad to have left some alcohol on the track:-). Google calculates the walk 22 minutes to the cycle track with 10 minutes. City bicycles are available at (almost) every corner. On the Kietz to the slight girl, it goes with the U1 on the U Berliner Tor. There Preserving in the U3 shopping go over and then you are also quite a few stops later on the spot. So not really a problem. On the subways we naturally by.

From the airport to the accommodation: The HVV 16 minutes to destination stop Wartenau. With the switch S1 to station Wandsbeker Chaussee, once in the U1 direction Ohlsdorf and get off at the U-Wartenau. From there it is a 5 minute walk to the hotel.
From the main station to the hotel: After only three underground stations you reach the U1-Wartenau (blue line). From there you can reach in about 5 minutes to walk the property.

Have you / your interest? Then please just contact us via ebab.

House Rules: Please be clean:-)
Check-in time until: (by appointment)
Check-out time until: (by appointment)



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Moin Jungs und Männers, meine Damen!
Ich wohne und arbeite in Hamburg. Mit mir zusammen mein Cockerspaniel Lui. Allerdings nur in Teilzeit... da Trennungshund :-/ Naja, gibt schlimmeres. Ich lege Wert auf Einhaltung einiger weniger Regeln und auf Sauberkeit. Mich beschreiben würde ich als zugänglichen und kommunikativen Typen. Wenn ich Euch bis jetzt nicht verschreckt habe bucht einfach mein Zimmer... bis bald!!

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